Who we are?

Dr. Haverla Szandra LL.M., ügyvéd
Szandra graduated from Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Faculty of Law in 1997 and qualified as attorney-at-law in 2000. During her years of training she was a student of Universität Hamburg, Europa-College, and trainee at Alpers & Stenger Law Firm (Hamburg). In 2012, she earned LL.M. degree at the Universität Wien, Faculty of Law (European and International economic law) in German language.
Her professional experience of more than 23 years that she obtained – last as a Partner – at the international law firm Heinzelmann. Her field of speciality is labour law (employment contracts, terminations, occupational accidents, policies, collective agreements, works agreements, legal disputes, labour audits etc.) but she has also significant professional experience in corporate law and contract law as she has represented international corporates.
She obtained Data Protection Officer Certificate in 2017 and participated in more than 20 data protection audits so far. She is a member of the Labour Law Research Network.
Szandra speaks native Hungarian, and as working proficiency German and English.

Dr. Haverla Ditta, ügyvédjelölt
Ditta graduated in 2002 at the University of Pázmány Péter, Faculty of Law, Budapest. She joined more international Law Firms from 2014 as Trainee Lawyer. In 2014 she attended the training “Developing Innovative Ideas for new Companies: Entrepreneurship” at University of Maryland.
She is member of the Budapest Bar Association. Her practice areas are civil law/ contract law, corporate law, data protection, labour law and contentious and non-contentious proceedings.
Ditta speaks native Hungarian, and as working proficiency English and Spanish.

Dr. Plesovszki Dóra LL.M., ügyvéd, tanácsadó
Dóra graduated in 1995 at the József Attila University, Faculty of Law, Szeged. In 1997 she graduated as international economic expert at the Budapest Economic University, KTI, Budapest. She passed the bar exam in 1998. In 2000 she received the LL.M. in American law, at the Boston University, School of Law, Boston. Between 2000 and 2003 she worked as an associate at the Ormai and Partners CMS Cameron McKenna Law Firm, Budapest. In 2006 graduated as a specialist in European Law from ELTE, JTK, Budapest. She has been working in cooperation with DLA Piper Weiss Tessbach Horváth and Partners Law Firm, Budapest and Heinzelmann Law Firm since 2008. She is a non-practicing attorney-at law, State of New York, USA and a non-practicing solicitor, Supreme Court of England and Wales, UK.
Speaks native Hungarian, and as working proficiency English.